My port problem Moving is always filled with surprises. My unnwanted apartment warming present was crappy network connectivity. The prospect of a gigabit internet connection excited me the instant I looked up service providers, but it turns out, the only wired connection point is about 50 feet from my office and my servers (see my other blog post to learn more about my homelab).
A few years ago, my Dad wanted to connect his router in his bedroom to devices in his living room.
Kubernetes is a highly modular container platform open sourced by Google. Google modeled Kubernetes after Borg, the container platform that has powered Google services for over 10 years. My current company, Workiva, now uses Kubernetes to run thousands of microservices on AWS. This blog post will walk through how anyone can run a powerful Kubernetes cluster out of their home.
The Dream Workiva evaluated using Kubernetes to power its infrastructure platform in 2017.